[Nlnog] [ras at e-gerbil.net: [j-nsp] The new Juniper issue/bug/exploit]

Niels Bakker niels.bakker at ams-ix.net
Sat Jan 22 12:27:03 UTC 2005

> ----- Forwarded message from Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net> 
> -----
> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:11:43 -0500
> From: Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>
> To: juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
> Subject: [j-nsp] The new Juniper issue/bug/exploit
> Ok, would anyone like to go ahead and confess now? It's pretty 
> difficult to miss all the tier 1 carriers doing emergency upgrades on 
> all their Juniper routers, and it doesn't take much more work to find 
> out that they're all deploying custom built images from 20050119.

Er is dus een special build 6.4-20050107.0, en 7.0R2.7 schijnt 't ook 
te fixen.

Niels Bakker                                      Tel: +31 205 141 716
Amsterdam Internet Exchange                    Mobile: +31 651 902 772
http://www.ams-ix.net/                 E-mail: Niels.Bakker at ams-ix.net

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