[Nlnog] Entree :)

Nils Swart nils.swart at attorn.nl
Sun Nov 24 13:01:57 UTC 2002

Hoi Allen,

> Welcome to the Nlnog-post at nlnog.net mailing list! Welcome to the
> nlnog-post elite. You have been deemed clueful enought to be allowed
> to post to nlnog at nlnog.net. Congratulations!

Mooi initiatief ! Is het de intentie om het engels te houden, of.. ?

Ps.: ik heb geen aandelen Juniper, maar de 28ste van deze maand is er 
gratis lunch aka seminar @ Okura. 
"Beyond the internet era - building a profitable broadband network" 

	Nils Swart
	nils.swart at attorn.nl

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