[NLNOG] Curious problem with connections from Ziggo customers to Linode nodes in some data centers

Van Steen, Steven svansteen at libertyglobal.com
Fri Aug 25 10:31:56 CEST 2023


Yes, they're aware, as are we (Liberty Global) - incident ticket number INC000004886338.



-----Original Message-----
From: NLNOG <nlnog-bounces at nlnog.net> On Behalf Of Niels Bakker
Sent: Friday, 25 August 2023 00:08
To: nlnog at nlnog.net
Subject: Re: [NLNOG] Curious problem with connections from Ziggo customers to Linode nodes in some data centers

* bvisser-nlnog at xs4all.nl (Boudewijn Visser (nlnog)) [Thu 24 Aug 2023, 21:46 CEST]:
>Unfortunately I don't think any Ziggo networking staff are on the
>nlnog.net list .
>I'm not sure if I know someone in the right place to ping and see if he
>can put it on the right person's desk. I'll give it (him) a try.

They're aware, despite some initial difficulties with emails hitting the Office365 spamfilter due to the inclusion of IP addresses.

        -- Niels.
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