[NLNOG] The NL portion of RPKI unreachable IP space

Cybertinus nlnog at cybertinus.nl
Wed Sep 26 14:44:19 CEST 2018

On 2018-09-26 14:16, nusenu wrote:
>>> If the invalids are expected (i.e. to test ROV) - like Job's prefixes
>>> are I suppose - than you can ignore this email (and maybe drop me an
>>> email).
>> I can confirm my invalids are for testing purposes :-)
> thanks for confirming, I'll exclude AS15562 from future reports.

Isn't is a better approach to only exclude the current false positive 
prefixes? If Job starts announcing a new prefix and he makes a mistake 
in his ROAs (yes, even Job can make mistakes... ;) ) I'm sure he want to 
know about it. I have no idea how much effort this is in your code, but 
it sounds to me like a better approach :).

Thanks for the report though, I think this is a useful tool.

Kind regards,

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