[Nlnog] Drinks on us @OHM2013!

Robert van der Meulen nlnog at wiretrip.org
Thu Jul 25 14:23:13 UTC 2013

Hi all,

LeaseWeb is sponsoring OHM2013, and it seems quite a bunch of nlnog members
are going - I think it would be fun to organise a little get-together there. 
As such, you're invited for drinks at the LeaseWeb tent, on Saturday evening
(August 3). We've got a tent + seating area, and will take care of the

To get a rough idea about how many people are coming, and to make sure
there's enough drinks to go around, this will be RSVP. I'll keep a list of
who's coming, and we'll hand out wristbands to attendees who have signed up.
If you want to come, drop me a message (email or rvdm on #nlnog) before the
start of OHM2013!

Date: August 3
Time: 19:00
Location: LeaseWeb tent @OHM2013


Robert van der Meulen

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