[Nlnog] rbl.cluecentral.net will cease to exist

Sabri Berisha sabri at cluecentral.net
Fri Oct 28 09:06:03 UTC 2005

[ apologies for the wide distribution ]

Dear reader,

On november the 1st 2005, the rbl.cluecentral.net ip-to-country and
ip-to-as DNS list will cease to exist. All queries will fail and on
december the 1st 2005 I will remove the dns-servers from the machines
they are running on.

Important note: some users have been using this list for explicit
whitelisting purposes of their own IP space. Please make absolutely sure
that you have alternatives. Refer to http://moensted.dk/spam for a list
of possible alternatives for your configuration.

Any queries/flames/followups are welcome via private e-mail.



please do not throw salami pizza away
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