[Nlnog] [jgiessen at caiw.nl: [Techniek-l] Fwd: Request for Information - Mail server specs]

Sabri Berisha sabri at cluecentral.net
Thu Jul 10 07:23:06 UTC 2003

----- Forwarded message from Hans van der Giessen <jgiessen at caiw.nl> -----

Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:13:13 +0200
From: Hans van der Giessen <jgiessen at caiw.nl>
To: techniek-l at nlip.nl
Subject: [Techniek-l] Fwd: Request for Information - Mail server specs

Beste lezers van techniek-l,

Wat denken jullie van het onderstaande verzoek? Gezien het aantal 
abonnees van AOL in vergelijking met het aantal van Kabelfoon, zou 
het meer gepast zijn als zij mij deze gegevens over hun activiteiten 
zouden verstrekken...

Met vriendelijke groet,

Hans van der Giessen
Regeling CAI Westland en Kabelfoon

>Sender: BSniekers at cs.com
>From: "bram sniekers" <BSniekers at cs.com>
>To: <BSniekers at cs.com>
>Subject: Request for Information - Mail server specs
>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 16:54:35 +0200
>In an effort to reduce the spam our 36 million AOL members worldwide
>receive, I'd like to ask your cooperation in the following matter.
>We're in the process of creating a white list, containing all
>relevant mail server related data of ISP's in the Netherlands.
>In order to maintain white list status with AOL, we set out the
>following requirements:
>1) a primary point of contact regarding mail related issues, like
>technical information, complaints, reports of abuse, etc.
>2) an email address to which we can forward a copy of every
>complaint we receive about your domain, and the expectation that
>those complaints will be acted on appropriately
>2a) complaints are to remain at 1/10% of 1% per million e-mail messages
>3) a list of all valid SMTP servers you provide for your customers
>to utilize to send mail
>3a) all servers connecting directly to AOL to deliver mail MUST have
>valid reverse DNS
>4) a list of all IP ranges used for dynamic purposes such as cable
>modems, DSL, dialup, etc. We will block the dynamic ranges from
>connecting directly to AOL,  while whitelisting the SMTP servers.
>This serves to greatly reduce the volume of spam coming into our
>Providing us with this information will enable us to make sure both
>our members are able to communicate by email without any problems.
>I'd like this information no later than Friday, July 18th.
>Thanks in advance,
>Bram Sniekers
>Technical Manager AOL Benelux
>Bram Sniekers
>Technical Manager AOL Benelux
>Tel: +31 20 5818210
>Cell: +31 6 11045903
>E-mail: <mailto:BSniekers at cs.com>BSniekers at cs.com
>POBox 59335
>1040 KH Amsterdam
>The Netherlands

Techniek-l mailing list
techniek-l at nlip.nl

----- End forwarded message -----

Met vriendelijke groet,       __________________
Sabri Berisha                /\ ___/
SAB666-RIPE                 /- \ _/  Business Internet Trends BV
http://www.bit.nl/~sabri   /--- \/           __________________

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